Thursday, April 17, 2014

VIDEO: Kirby's Dream Band Covers "Pokémon Red and Blue" in Style

Guys, do you know Kirby's Dream Band? They're really great and I highly recommend listening to their album of video game music covers, The Pink Album, if you haven't already. It's one that I keep revisiting over and over, and I'd put it up there with the likes of minibosses and The Advantage as far as VGM covers go.


As if their record wasn't good enough, they just released a brutally pink music video for their Pokémon Red and Blue song.



The album is available on Bandcamp at a pay-however-much-you-want price, and there's also a CD version and a newly released double LP vinyl version that's limited to 300.



Gimme dat.



Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. His blog can be found at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter at @Moldilox.

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