Thursday, April 17, 2014

"3D OutRun" Zooms Over to Nintendo 3DS in Japan on April 24

Last month we posted about 3D OutRun being the next of Sega's games to make its way to the Nintendo 3DS eShop as a Sega 3D Classic. At the time the Sega Archives site just had the logo listed, but it's since been updated with a Japanese release date of April 23. 



Even better are the enhancements developer M2 made to the original. 3D OutRun has the option to save at any point; choice of circle pad, d-pad, or touch controls; the option to play the Japanese or Overseas version, each with different course placements; screen size settings, including a moving arcade cabinet style; and a bunch of audio options.


That's not it, though. Among the audio enhancements are two brand new songs composed by Manabu Namiki and Jane-Evelyn Nisperos. Once again, it looks like M2 is knocking it out of the park with the special treatment on this one. Hopefully we'll hear about western release plans soon.


Via Nintendo Life 



Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. His blog can be found at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter at @Moldilox.

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