Thursday, April 17, 2014

Metroidvania-Style Game "Heart Forth, Alicia" Looks Great, Seeks Funds

It's not too often that a game hits Kickstarter and immediately grabs hold of your imagination. Heart Forth, Alicia is one such game, modeled after examples of the "Metroidvania" style of side-scrolling action with RPG elements. The Kickstarter is live, and the trailer below offers a nice sample of what to expect.  



The synopsis:

There’s an island in the sky named Auster, and on it, there’s a small wizard village with the name of Brenia. Centuries ago, a great star struck the Earth: the mountains crumbled, and land and sea poured into a great Void that now lies hidden beneath the clouds. This island and its sister, Quilth, are the last surviving remnants of the Old World.

Half a century ago, the wizards took the power of the Island for themselves. And so, Elthëlian, the Spirit of Light, cursed them never to have children again. 

Today begins the Trial of the last two wizards of the bloodline: Alicia and Höstra.

They are taken to the Hillside to reach the Clearing on their own. But their ceremony to come of age is stopped. One of the wizards has been killed by Elthëlian. That night, the children run away in search for help, but Höstra becomes entranced by the Spirit, and he throws Alicia off the edge of the island.

Alicia awakens in a strange land beneath the clouds: all along, the Old World has remained here, concealed beneath the clouds. Fearing for the safety of her homeland, and for her friend Höstra, Alicia sets off to find a way back and stop the Spirit.


The good news is that Heart Forth, Alicia has already been in development for years, and is seeking its $60k Kickstarter goal in order to bring additional people in to help the game's lone developer, Alonso Martin, finish things up in a timely manner. 


It's already at well over half its goal, and will probably clear it by the time the day is over. Starbound publisher Chucklefish will be publishing Heart Forth, Alicia once it's ready.


Via Destructoid



Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. His blog can be found at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter at @Moldilox.

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