Sunday, February 9, 2014

KILL LA KILL #17 Makes Villainy Cute!

Well, kudos to this episode for going full-out Gran Guignol in its
final moments. Phew…

I might question the semantics of Satsuki declaring herself to be in
open rebellion against this matriarch after she’s just gruesomely crucified
the old bag in front of a stadium of innocent bystanders - - one might
question what’s left to rebel against, that is
- - but nobody should
really act surprised if this arch villainess just shrugs off the skewering,
right? The show hasn’t exactly shown itself to be interested in letting the
consequences of ultra-violence ever get in the way of a shocking twist.

(Though I suppose this all showed what the point was in showing…
whatever it was that happened between Satsuki and her mother in that bathhouse
flashback last episode

== TEASER ==

We might be at the point so many of you have anticipated for a while,
now - - when Ryuko and Satsuki formally team up. In the broader scope of things,
it’s put an iconoclastic spin on the familiar shonen formula where
the heroine’s first foe eventually turns face and joins the home team. In this
case, of course, it’s pretty much all the bad guys we’ve seen so
far who are getting co-opted by our lead, and I appreciate the sort-of Snake-Eyes-leading-COBRA novelty of that.

The question still does remain about who’re the bigger bad’s that they’ll take on. I suppose we could have another ten odd episodes where everybody
rallies against our evil Strawberry Shortcake?

Again, though, it’s really hard to tell where the show could be going
because it’s awkwardly straddling the line between farce and drama. I might
speculate on how this botched Life Fiber harvesting at the stadium could lead
to something, but the show’s demonstrated that it obeys no rules. It can just
keep pulling rabbits out of the hat.

Watch, Tell Me Why” and
decide for yourself, then read my comments on the previous episode.

About the Author

Tom Pinchuk’s a writer and personality with a large number of comics, videos and features like this to his credit. Visit his website - - - - and follow his Twitter: @tompinchuk

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