Thursday, February 27, 2014


Leo and the Tontattas are in for quite the battle against Sugar and her obedient toy soldiers. What makes it all the more worse is that those black teddy bears used to be their comrades.

The Good

Tragedy has never been so adorable.
Tragedy has never been so adorable.

Crafting a proper villain can be incredibly difficult. One of the hardest parts is to make each one feel unique. Yet Oda has a way of doing this with such ease. It's almost scary. Who would have thought that powers derived from a fruit could be so versatile? Oda really hit it out of the park when he came up with that one. It's license to do almost anything.

Sugar's powers may be adorable, but what makes it terrifying is that you don't even realize you're fighting your friends. The Tontattas are going at the enemy they see before them with no memory that those little bears are their "compatwiots". No hesitation or emotional attachment. No idea you're fighting a person. However, the victims of her power know what's happened, but have no control over their body. She can do all of this to you with just her touch. Now, that's one scary enemy.

The Bad

It felt weird to have an entire chapter focused on a single scene. More so after last week's scene switching. Although, it wasn't all that bad either. Just took a bit to get used to the straight forward flow.

With a chapter so focused on the display of enemy power, we also get to see examples of Robin's techniques. Her powers have evolved so much since the time skip, but there's never has been much of an explanation of how this change came about. We still don't even know the difference between armament haki and armament hardening. It just doesn't seem to be Oda's way to give drawn out explanations. I certainly want to know, but it doesn't bother me that much to not have those answers either.

Verdict 4/5

The build up is still continuing, and we get enough action in this edition to keep the pace up. Sort of akin to a light jog between reps of hard running. It keeps your heart rate up. Which is far more effective than resting completely and running for twice as long. The real high point of this issue is in the display of Sugar's abilities. She's far more interesting than I originally imagined. I look forward to seeing where this goes, but I already have my suspicions of how this will end up.

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About the Author

Kristoffer Remmell (FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek. Follow for news updates: @AnimeVicers / @FoxxFireArt /

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