Sunday, April 23, 2017

"BLAME!" and "Knights of Sidonia" Take Over NicoNico for Double-Barreled Announcement

When you've got two major movie releases on the horizon with announcements to roll out, why not combine them into one big event? That's what director Hiroyuki Seshita will be doing when he appears on NicoNico later this month, talking about his new films BLAME! and Knights of Sidonia: Battle for Planet Nine.

Seshita will be joined by voice actress Aya Suzaki, who appears as Tae in BLAME! and Shizuka Hoshijiro in Knights of Sidonia. Also with them will be Naohiro "Tady" Yoshihira and Yoshikazu Iwanami, the assistant director and sound director of both films respectively.


Staff and voice actors aren't all the two titles share. Both BLAME! and Knights of Sidonia are by manga artist Tsutomu Nihei, with the former being his breakout project and the latter being his latest.



As a lead-up to the event, NicoNico is streaming the entirety of Knights of Sidonia.

The crossover event takes place on April 26. Visit the NicoNico viewing page for more information.


Source: Anime! Anime!




Kara Dennison is responsible for multiple webcomics, blogs and runs interviews for (Re)Generation Who and PotterVerse, and is half the creative team behind the OEL light novel series Owl's Flower. She blogs at and tweets @RubyCosmos.

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