Thursday, April 3, 2014

NARUTO #5 -- Retro Review

Oh, boy… kancho.

Back in high school, there were a number of exchange students from
Korea who loved to play their country’s version of that prank. The teachers had
to pull them aside and quickly explain how running around and forcibly
goosing peers simply wasn’t as acceptable in America. It was one of
the more amusing instances of culture clash I ever witnessed. I always wondered if noogies or wedgies could be as… transgressive in other parts
of the world.

== TEASER ==

Focusing on playground pranks is probably appropriate, because this
episode is where the show’s ‘recess rumble’ really hits a nice stride. Not only
did Kakashi’s slacker-y approach to ninja wisdom continue to tickle me so, I also
found his lecture to these kids about teamwork and breaking rules to be rather

It gave me the warm and fuzzy feels, all right?

Putting on the more serious-minded “Genre Evaluator” hat, I ought to
say that shape-shifting is really one of the more ‘dangerous’ abilities to play
with if you’re watching out for ‘power creep’ in an ongoing serial. It causes a
lot of issues with X-MEN, in particular. When any given scene can potentially not
be about whom appears to be about - - and especially after the ol’ “switcheroo fake-out”
has been pulled too many times already
- - it sort-of stretches the problem
of the “It was only Dream” ending over the entire story. Quite quickly, you can’t
feel much suspense over any plot twist, because you know they writer’s probably
just pulling your leg.

After five episodes, I’m done with my NARUTO sampler pass, so I won’t
find out, for sure. However, I’ve got a hunch that this probably becomes more of
an issue as the series gets hire into the triple digits. Could one of you more
learned NARUTO fans square that for me?

Watch "You
Failed! Kakashi's Final Decision
" and decide for yourself, then read my
comments about the previous episode

About the Author

Tom Pinchuk’s a writer and personality with a large number of comics, videos and features like this to his credit. Visit his website - - - - and follow his Twitter: @tompinchuk

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