Friday, April 25, 2014

Motorcycle Manga "Bakuon!!" Supports Traffic Safety Promotional Event

Metropolitan Police Department will hold a traffic safety promotional event for motorcycle riders in Okutama, Tokyo, on May 4. For the third time, Mimana Orimoto's motorcycle/high school girls-themed manga Bakuon!! will support the event with various goods and exhibits. The manga focusing on a motorcycle club in Okanoue Girls' High School has been serializing in Akita Shoten's Young Champion Retsu since 2011, and now four tankobon volumes are available.


The manga has collaborated with Tokyo Metropolitan and Metropolitan Police Department to promote the importance of traffic safety since September 2013. In this third event, the visitors will receive an Oume Senbei (plum-shaped rice cracker) printed with the manga characters, stickers, and magnet sheets. Moreover, KTM HAMAGUCHI BAKUON Racing's "Ita-bike" motorcycle, which ran the 8 Hours of Suzuka race in July 2013 in Suzuka Circuit, will be also displayed.



The key visual for the May 4 event


The stickers



The magnet sheets



Oume Senbei (samples)



KTM HAMAGUCHI BAKUON Racing's motor cycle




The promotional poster released in September 2013:

 "What's the most important thing when you ride a motorcycle?" "It's wind, freedom..., and a chest protector!!"




The tankobon 1st volume cover



2nd volume



3rd volume



4th volume



Source: Comic Natalie, @okutama_road


© Mimana Orimoto, Akita Shoten/Young Champion Retsu 


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