Space Dandy [スペース☆ダンディ] is a sci-fi comedy anime produced by BONES [ボンズ] (Eureka Seven, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Gosick) and is directed by Natsume Shingo [夏目 真悟] (Hori-san to Miyamura-kun) with chief director Watanabe Shinichiro [渡辺 信一郎] (Macross Plus, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo).
Space Dandy will begin airing on TOKYO MX at 2014/01/05 23:00JST, on TV Osaka [テレビ大阪] at 2014/01/08 02:35JST, on TV Aichi [テレビ愛知] at 2014/01/09 02:35JST, on BS Fuji [BSフジ] at 2014/01/12 24:30JST, and on AT-X at 2014/01/16 22:30JST.
The story is set far in the future and revolves around an alien hunter named Dandy, who travels across the galaxy to search for undiscovered alien species along with his buddies Meow, a cat-looking alien and a worn-out robot named QT.
Main Characters
Dandy [ダンディ] voiced by Suwabe Junichi [諏訪部順一]
Meow [ミャウ] voiced by Yoshino Hiroyuki [吉野裕行]
QT voiced by Satake Uki [佐武宇綺]
Bee [ビー] voiced by Hatakeyama Kousuke [畠山航輔]
Gel Hakase [ゲル博士] voiced by Ishizuka Unshou [石塚運昇]
Honey [ハニー] voiced by Yurin [ゆりん]
Scarlett [スカーレット] voiced by Kuwashima Houko [桑島法子]
Visit the official website to view more details about the characters.
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Check out the PVs above. If the videos were eaten, try this search query on YouTube.
The OP is Viva Namida [ビバナミダ] by Okamura Yasuyuki [岡村靖幸], scheduled to be released on 2014/01/29. The ED is Welcome to the X Dimension [X次元へようこそ / 絶対ムッシュ制] by Yakushimaru Etsuko [やくしまるえつこ], scheduled to be released on 2014/01/29.
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Space Dandy has a very nice Cowboy Bebop feel to it - one of my fave animu of all time ^^
The following image is the key visual for the anime.
And this is the magazine scan announcing the Space Dandy anime project.
The image is retrieved from MiniTokyo.
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