Prepare yourself for battle! Magical Warfare, based on the light novel series by Hisashi Suzuki and illustrated by Lunalia and featuring animation from Japan’s famed studio Madhouse (Hunter x Hunter) is about to erupt on Crunchyroll’s winter simulcast slate.
Magical Warfare is set to broadcast every Thursday starting on January 9, at 12:30p.m. Pacific Time for its premium members, with free members able to watch one week later. More information can be found on
In this modern magic action story, Takeshi Nanase is an ordinary high school boy who has a somewhat dark past. Due to certain circumstances, he formed a "fake" couple with his childhood friend Kurumi Isoshima, but otherwise, he lives a normal life. However, one day, he comes across a girl named Mui Aiba, in a uniform he has never seen before, collapsed on the school campus. This encounters changes Takeshi's destiny completely. Mui tells Takeshi that she is a magician, and she apologizes, for she turned Takeshi into a magician, too. What Takeshi once knew as one world is actually two — one world where magicians live and the other world where humans live.
Magical Warfare will be available to Crunchyroll’s audience in the following territories: USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.
Patrick Macias is editor in chief of Crunchyroll News. He is also the editor of Otaku USA magazine. Check out his Tumblr at
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