Monday, June 23, 2014

Microsoft Denies Games for Windows Live Shutdown – News

Microsoft Denies Games for Windows Live Shutdown – News

Microsoft have announced that they won’t be shutting down or retiring that Games for Windows Live service that many games take advantage of.

In a statement to GameInformer, Microsoft said: “We are continuing to support the Games for Widows Live service,” and “We remain committed to investing in PC gaming in the years ahead, and look forward to sharing more in the future.”

This flies in the face of months of speculation that the service was about to be scrapped, fuelled in part by many developers taking out any Games for Windows Live code and assets from their games and replacing them with Steamworks. Just last week, Twisted Pixel replaced all GFWL features with Steamworks, for example. The shutdown was expected to happen on July 2nd, after a support page for Age of Empires online specified the date.

This is an excerpt from the full story which was originally featured on gamrReview, read the full version here – Microsoft Denies Games for Windows Live Shutdown – News

Read more here: gamrReview

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