Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Thieves going to jail for stealing in-game items

Thieves going to jail for stealing in-game items

Two thieves have been sentenced to prison terms for stealing items in an online game. The two men hail from China’s Sichuan province, and are now required to serve time in jail in addition to paying fines for cybertheft.

According to Kotaku, the men were active in multiplayer action-game Dungeon Fighter Online. Surnamed Wang and Cai, the unemployed duo realised they could generate cash by selling in-game items for real-world money.

The two were able to steal the login information of a player known as Mr. Ma and used this information to clean out his virtual accounts to the amount of $6,405. Wang and Cai were caught within a month by police, and are now facing two years in prison.

Zorine Te is an associate editor at GameSpot, and you can follow her on Twitter @ztharli
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