Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sony says indie games are the “heartbeat” of gaming

Sony says indie games are the “heartbeat” of gaming

Sony VP of developer and publisher relations Adam Boyes has described indie games as “the heartbeat” of the game industry.

Speaking in a recent interview with CVG, Boyes explained that promoting creativity and new ideas was “the most important thing in this industry” to him.

Speaking on the level of involvement PlayStation has with the indie game community, Boyes said:

“…We’re very involved, I think. We care very deeply about it. We live it, and breathe it, and bleed it… when we’re with these people, these are our friends. These are people we respect, these are people we have dinners with and… I don’t know, it’s a lovefest.”

He described the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita’s current indie presence as “infinitely better” than that of the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable respectively.

Boyes spoke about the importance of transparency and honesty in fostering relationships with indie developers in a recent interview with GameSpot. Last week, Sony confirmed a list of indie games for the PlayStation 4.

Zorine Te is an associate editor at GameSpot, and you can follow her on Twitter @ztharli
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