Wednesday, May 7, 2014

NIS America Ships Fuse: Memoirs of a Huntress Premium Edition

NIS America Ships Fuse: Memoirs of a Huntress Premium Edition


TITLE:Fusé: Memoirs of a Huntress Premium Edition
RELEASE DATE: May 6, 2014
LENGTH:Approx. 110 mins
FORMAT:1 Blu-ray
LANGUAGE:Japanese audio, English subtitles

Fusé: Memoirs of a Huntress Premium Edition

About the show:

Hamaji, a young huntress from the mountains, stumbles into the middle of a shogun’s vendetta against a group of human-dog hybrids, the Fusé. Rumors of Fusé murdering innocent people in the bustling city of Edo have sparked a bounty for their heads. Along with her brother, Hamaji joins the hunt for this dangerous quarry, but after accidentally befriending one of them, Hamaji is torn between two worlds: her life as a self-reliant huntress, and the young woman her new friend has helped her to uncover.

About the extras:

- Hardcover art book, “Fusé: Memoirs of a Huntress” (full color, 32 pages) provides a deeper viewing experience with character info, concept sketches, an interview with the director and setting illustrations.

- Japanese commercials


Minako Kotobuki as Hamaji

Mamoru Miyano as Shino

Kanako Miyamoto as Meido

Katsuyuki Konishi as Dousetsu


Director: Masayuki Miyaji

For more information, visit

About NIS America

In 2003, NIS America was established in Southern California to bring exciting, one-of-a-kind Japanese culture to North America. NIS America’s team members devote themselves to the fans. Their respect for their fans is at the heart of everything they do. As an established entertainment publisher in the U.S., NIS America is committed to continuous growth and improvement.

NIS America is a subsidiary of Nippon Ichi Software, Inc., a Japanese company famous for its unique line of strategy RPGs with titles such as Disgaea, Phantom Brave, and Makai Kingdom. NIS America has also become a publisher of Japanese anime titles, such as Toradora!, bunny drop, and Natsume’s Book of Friends.

NIS America Ships Fuse: Memoirs of a Huntress Premium Edition
Mike Ferreira

Read more here: Anime Herald

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