Thursday, May 8, 2014

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE is the Shonen Antidote!

See, I really wish more serials would do timeskips like this. Instead
of plodding out every single step from Point to Point Z, why not hop over the
less interesting stuff? Why not shake up the characters and the cast dynamic?
Why not make it all killer and no… * GASP *… filler?

The contrast is all the more pronounced because I’m watching the ‘Chimera
Ant’ arc at the same time as this. For a story that’s about three decades old,
now, this really is a breath of fresh air (pun absolutely intended). The way the plot flitted around,
non-chronologically, was exhilarating. I totally understand what the hype’s
been about, this whole time.

== TEASER ==

I’ve read and watched more superheroic fiction than any sane human
being should, and I can honestly say that this one episode does about three
things I’ve never seen anywhere else…

  1. Jojo #2 earns, like, 3X brownie points
    for the way he meets Smokey. Not only does he forgive this scamp who’s robbed
    him, not only does he defend this scamp… he also goes on to brutalize the
    crooked cops who’ve been bullying him with the most hysterical overkill.
  2. Likewise, the way Jojo #2 solves the
    hijacking had to be the most manic character introduction ever. Jojo #1’s defining trait was the way he got
    stronger the more you beat on him, right? Well Jojo #2’s trait is to flip out
    at the
    slightest provocation. I love it.
  3. I love how this episode doesn’t end
    with a cliffhanger so much as with a “Shit yeah!” moment. You think we’re in
    store for another ominous stinger with the new, mysterious villain? Nope. Jojo’s
    going to march straight up to him, question him about his game and blast him
    with a Tommy Gun he just pulled out of hammer space.

Just when I thought the show might’ve been losing steam, it took a big
breath, shot its veins with an electric dose of Hammon energy, flexed its bicep
until they were a net of veins and then seized me by throat. Bring on Episode
#11. Now.

Watch "New
York’s Jojo
" and decide for yourself, then read my comments about the
previous episode

About the Author

Tom Pinchuk’s a writer and personality with a large number of comics, videos and features like this to his credit. Visit his website - - - - and follow his Twitter: @tompinchuk

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