Saturday, August 16, 2014


I hate to say it, but Kakyoin’s really proven to be the
weakest link. None of these Stardust Crusaders need a scene where
they’re opening up about their feelings at the dinner table, but at least
Polnareff has (or had? Is it totally
resolved, now?)
that score he needed to settle. After that, he doesn’t have to go on some
breathless monologue for there to be an added level of empathy when he’s
squaring off with a villain. We know the memory of his dead sister is
motivating him.

Kakyoin, though? He was only evil for an episode. There isn’t
much of a redemption arc there. You might say the he’s trying to get revenge on
Dio for manipulating him, but that still doesn’t put much of his skin in the game. Even if you removed the ticking clock hanging
over Jotaro’s mom’s head, the Joestars still have a bitter bloodfeud with Dio.
Kakyoin’s got nothing and, honestly, at this point, he’d add more value to the story
if he were killed off (if only to
reassert the danger Dio’s minions pose

== TEASER ==

Anyway, if the last couple episodes were paying homage to ‘Video
Nasties,’ then the references were too obtuse for me to pick up on. This 'Baby
Reaper,' however, isn’t a direct tribute to Freddy Krueger, but I’d be shocked
if Araki didn’t get the idea for this episode after watching one of the
NIGHTMARE ON ELM ST. flicks (let's hope it was DREAM WARRIORS).

Of course, that said, I have no idea what musical act ‘Mannish
Boy’ is a reference to (taken literally, it obviously means that the baby possesses
a preternatural, malevolent intelligence?
). The gimmick of the ‘waking dream’
might not be as fresh, but the notion of these big, burly men fighting against
an evil toddler is both hilarious and scary.

Watch "Death 13, Part 1" and decide for yourself,
then read my comments on the previous episode.

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