Monday, August 4, 2014

Police Report: Arrested Photographer Was in Sexual Relationship With Injured Teen Cosplayer

Two broke up on July 15, according to suspect’s text messages

The official police report regarding the arrest of 29-year-old cosplay photographer Justin “Stuntman Justin” Kalior of Project Cosplay introduced more details regarding his arrest on Sunday. Kalior and a 17-year-old cosplayer left a party together at approximately 11:00 p.m. on Saturday night. According to a witness interviewed by police, Kalior got into a “physical altercation” with the girl.

The cosplayer was found approximately an hour later, unconscious and bleeding, from a fall of about six feet near the Marriott Marquis and Marina pool near the San Diego Convention Center.

Police interviewed Kalior, who denied having a sexual relationship with the girl and claimed he believed she was 20-years-old. Kalior willingly released his cellphone to police who discovered texts from July 15 stating the two had broken up and referencing their romantic relationship.

The police report reads:

While Harbor Police was speaking with that witness, Kalior returned without prompting. Harbor Police spoke to Kalior and he denied any dating relationship with [the girl] but admitted to bringing her to a party at the hotel that night where there were a lot of alcohol beverages. A consensual search of Kalior’s cellphone revealed a break-up text dated 7/15/14 in which he used her nick-name … and he referenced their dating relationship. A short time later, [the girl] woke up in the hospital and confirmed she and Kalior have been in a sexual/dating relationship.

The girl, who has not been identified because she is a minor, does not remember entirely what happened. Police stated she was under the influence of drugs. The cosplayer‘s mother issued a statement on Facebook skeptical of the police’s findings regarding the fall along with photographs of her daughter’s injuries including two black eyes and a leg cast.

The girl told police after regaining consciousness in the hospital that she and Kalior were in a sexual relationship. She has stated on her personal social media site that she was raped, but did not clarify when or where.

Police arrested Kalior on suspicion of having sexual contact with a minor and contributing to the delinquency of minor. Authorities believe he gave the girl alcohol. Kalior posted bail on July 27 and is scheduled to appear in court on August 5 if charges are filed. Harbor Police said “charges against” Kalior “will be forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office.”

[Via The Mary Sue, Polygon]

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