Sunday, August 17, 2014

NARUTO Ch. 688 Review

Consequences? What are those?
Consequences? What are those?

While Naruto and Sasuke are in a heated battle to finally seal Kaguya, Obito returns with a parting gift for his old friend.

The Good

You can be assured that someone at CyberConnect2 has already started animating this for the next NARUTO fighter.
You can be assured that someone at CyberConnect2 has already started animating this for the next NARUTO fighter.

When it comes to the action of the chapter, this has some incredible set pieces. I knew that multi-chakra Rasen Shuriken attack was coming, and it certainly didn't disappoint when it finally appears. I bet that scene will look incredible when animated. I really wish Kishimoto would stick with the action more and hurry things along.

However, if Kaguya was vulnerable to this sort of attack, why didn't Naruto do this sooner. I originally thought it was because of the chakra absorption power, but wasn't that the point of those ridiculous fox-frog eyes? Adding Sage Art to chakra makes it so it can't be absorbed. Whatever, this scene was worth the wait.

The Bad

I hope the time limit is at least longer than the trial period for MINECRAFT.
I hope the time limit is at least longer than the trial period for MINECRAFT.

Now, there is a reason why so many writers will remove powerful or dependable characters in storytelling as a franchise nears its finale. Just for an example, Dumbledore from the HARRY POTTER series. It was always said that the Hogwarts headmaster was the one person Voldermort feared. The primary cast always knew that nothing too terrible could happen as long as Dumbledore was around. By removing him, the writer has put the heroes and the audience in a tense situation. Anything could happen without the safety net. The smallest mistake could mean the end.

Kakashi has always been that character for Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. Sure, Jiraiya was more of a father figure to Naruto, but he only popped in and out of the story. That's what I thought Kishimoto was doing when he ripped the Sharingan from Kakashi a couple weeks back. Rather than killing him, he just removed what made him so powerful. He now had to depend on his experience and wits. This chapter just goes right back to the well of power trumping intellect.

Ultimately, I'm alright with giving Kakashi both eyes. I always felt that in the back of my mind this was going to happen anyway. My complaint is more with how the writer went about it. If they had been transferred before death, that would have been alright. Instead we're expected to accept that Obito can return from the dead as some ethereal mist to alter Kakashi's biology. People can apparently have whatever power Kishimoto wants to make up at this point, huh?

Verdict 3/5

I had a really hard time focusing while I was reading this chapter. Part of which is to blame on how the beginning frustrated me on a cellular level. I start out thinking, "How long is it going to take you to just die, Obito?". There was a point where I just had to shut my brain off and bathe in the visuals that this issue gave us. As such, I would have really liked to have given this a 4 out of 5, but the way Kakashi gets this power and that Sakura is once again playing the helpless victim left me irritated by the end. It's a fun chapter if you try not to think too hard about it.

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About the Author

Kristoffer Remmell (FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek. Follow for news updates: @AnimeVicers/@FoxxFireArt /

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