Saturday, August 16, 2014

Meta Knight Returns to "Super Smash Bros." Roster

Super Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai recently teased the return of Meta Knight with some dressed-up Mii Fighters, and now the veteran brawler has been confirmed. First up, Sakurai's pic of the day serves as a nice introduction below.



"Looks like there was an impostor in the earlier posts, so I introduced him to my sword!" ...I'll leave it up to your imagination if he really said that or not. The veteran hero, Meta Knight, returns to battle!! We didn't forget the Battleship Halberd either!!"



"Meta Knight's Up Special Move, Shuttle Loop, changed quite a bit in this game. The glide is gone, and the attack slashes opponents twice while spinning in a large loop. This has turned into a highly technical and effective move."


The official website has been updated with Wii U and 3DS screens for Meta Knight:


Super Smash Bros. hits Nintendo 3DS on October 3, followed by Wii U this winter. 



Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. His blog can be found at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter at @Moldilox.

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