Wednesday, August 13, 2014


While it tickles my black heart to think that the germ of
this idea might’ve come from Araki taking a thoroughly morbid angle on “Here
Comes the Sun,” I have to admit the amusement doesn’t go too far beyond that. I
don’t know, the gimmick’s staring to stretch a little thin.

How many minions have we gone through, so far? I lost count
long time ago. There’s always a meter with a dancing needle on these sorts of serials. I might point to some epics that could’ve used a couple
told-in-one’s to loosen the pace with some variety, but I can cite far more
episodic shows that got repetitive fairly fast with their villains/monsters/mushi of the week. STARDUST CRUSADERS has been getting around that, for the most part,
by making the evil Stand users as diverse as possible. No two Stand’s ever look
alike, and the Stardust Crusaders are put through different kinds of struggles
each time, rarely ever just solving things with brute force.

== TEASER ==

Still, I can’t remember the last time we saw Dio - - you know, the big bad of these season - - and I’d
really like this to start adding up more.

Part of this might be due to the nature of the threat in this
episode. This Stand is taking the Stardust Crusaders down with attrition,
slowly sweating them dry until they’ll die of dehydration. Having suffered
through this after a couple hikes, I can vouch for the
effects seeming rather accurate. It’s such a subtle process that you really don’t
know you’re dehydrated until your tongue’s dry and your head’s throbbing.

Maybe it’s just the whole part where they spot the user.
Again, I’m used to the formula of these good guys pulling a brilliant,
near-deus ex machine to defeat the bad guys at the last minute. But the gag
with the mirror-covered hut just seemed a bit reaching.

Watch "the Sun"
and decide for yourself, then read my comments on the previous episode.

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