Thursday, May 1, 2014

ONE PIECE Ch. 745 Review

Pushing Doflamingo and his forces into a corner with the plan to knock out Sugar and free the citizens may not have been the best idea. With his true villain exposed for all to see, the gloves come off, and he's going to push back with a terrible trap for everyone on the island.

The Good

I don't think you should lift someone with a neck injury like that.
I don't think you should lift someone with a neck injury like that.

If you were one of those people that felt that with the end of the tournament -- not to mention the complete loss of the coliseum -- meant that Oda would be abandoning the whole wrestling theme that this arc started out with, you'd be painfully wrong. If anything, the creator just turned it up a notch or three. Doflamingo has just turned things around on the Straw Hats & Gang with a single move. He's quite literally turned the entire island into an enormous cage match.

The citizens that the Riku Army were depending on will likely become the worse enemy possible. The people have two choices, either defeat Doflamingo personally, or take out his enemies for him. The latter of which will also grant them several bounties. It's not even just about the innocent civilians. Remember that the island was also playing host to some nasty bounty hunters and assassins.

For all the action, my favorite little bit was Robin introducing Koala and Sabo to a half dead Usopp. Her complete lack of concern for his condition gave me such a chuckle, and their reaction was the perfect end to the bit.

The Bad

The worst part of this whole issue has little to nothing to do with its contents, but with the fact that we're going from this cliffhanger to right back to another week long break. What was the point of that? They couldn't have just held off for a single week and fit in one more chapter?

Verdict 4/5

You really want a villain to ratchet up the threat for what should be your arc's finale. In that sense, Doflamingo has easily surpassedMadara from NARUTO, and he manages that by just being clever and deliciously wicked. I can't imagine there is anything redeemable about this jerk. Much as one would expect in a pro wrestling match, we're hissing the villain and cheering for the heroes.

Next week if Golden Week, so that means all the WSJ series are going on break. It's a touch annoying in the case of ONE PIECE. Seeing how we just got back from a break. Oh well, see you all then.

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About the Author

Kristoffer Remmell (FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek. Follow for news updates: @AnimeVicers / @FoxxFireArt /

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