Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-kun, a high school comedy 4-koma manga by Izumi Tsubaki (who is also the mangaka of the popular Oresama Teacher), will be getting an anime adaptation this summer. The latest support cast additions have Kenta Miyake as hot-headed editor Ken Miyamae, Daisuke Ono as narcissistic, cute loving former editor Mitsuya Maeno and Ayako Kawasumi as neighor/shoujo manga artist Yukari Miyako.
Mitsue Yamazaki directs the Dogakobo production.
The latest visual for the series looks like...
Lead cast includes...
Umetaro Nozaki is voiced by Yuichi Nakamura
A normal highschool student who is also a popular shojo mangaka in his spare time. Contrary to the prominent female sensitivity shown in his work, he is thick-skinned in person. His passion towards his manga sometimes make him act strangely.
Chiyo Sakura is voiced by Aki Kozawa
A normal high school girl who is secretly in love with her classmate, Nozaki. When she finally confessed to him, she was hired as his manga assistant instead due to Nozaki noticing her drawing skills but not noticing her feelings.
Mikoto Mikoshiba is voiced by Nobuhiko Okamoto
Nozaki's friend and manga assistant with a special skill. Because of his handsome looks and playboy attitude, he is very popular among female students. Nozaki is secretly using him as a model of one of his manga characters, but he does not notice it.
Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.
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