Thursday, May 1, 2014

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE #8 Shows Where 20 Years Worth of Video Games Got Their Ideas

Araki named a lumbering, undead juggernaut with a ‘snakes face’ after
the Doobie Brothers? At this point, I suppose it’s only a matter of time before
Jojo runs into some giant, cybernetic bear named ‘E. Manilow’ or something.

The CASTLEVANIA’s parallels are even harder to miss in this one. As exhilarating
as it was to see Jojo throw fiery vengeance down upon Dio (and for the show
to play out what felt like a second finale episode in only eight installments),
I’m sure we’ll see him or one of his descendants crawl around to bedevil
the Joestar clan once again. Konami definitely borrowed a lot from VAMPIRE HUNTER
for that particular franchise, but this unmistakably smells like the Belmont/Dracula
dynastic feud. The funny part is…

(Well… wait. This show’s almost entirely composed of funny parts).

== TEASER ==

Something that’s amusing about the show, at this point, is that
it really doesn’t feel like a vampire story. I read a lot of essays in film
school about all the potential metaphoric undertones which vampires can have in
fiction. You know, like how they can represent everything from forbidden sexuality,
to xenophobia, to class warfare, to death in itself. I really ruined the
whole genre for myself, doing that, because seeing 'vampires' in the logline for
any show really makes me lose interest right away.

Well, I can honestly say that I’ve never seen vampirism treated as some
forbidden martial art, as it is here. Sure, the fangy-ness still embodies Dio’s
quest for power and glory and all that, but it might as well be the Fist of the
South Star in this universe. It’s the
inversion of basically everything good about the Ripple. I don’t know if
there’s anything significant about that, but it does make me wonder if this is
where Capcom got the idea for that Satsui no hadou stuff in STREET FIGHTER.
Both Akuma and ‘Evil Ryu’ look quite vampiric.

I feel like I’m finally reading the field guide which 20 years of Japanese
comics, cartoons and video games took their plays from.

Watch "Bloody
Battle Jojo Dio
" and decide for yourself, then read my comments about the
previous episode

About the Author

Tom Pinchuk’s a writer and personality with a large number of comics, videos and features like this to his credit. Visit his website - - - - and follow his Twitter: @tompinchuk

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