Friday, October 10, 2014

NARUTO Ch. 694 Review

Sasuke and Naruto plan to settle the differences between them once and for all. The world will just have to wait to be saved till they're finished settling their personal grudges.

The Good

Move along, people. Nothing to see here.

The Bad

Isn't that the definition of fascism?
Isn't that the definition of fascism?

Have you ever watched the news and see as a couple of talking head commentators argue like children over their opposing points of view on the same topic? If only they could then settle their arguments with a shonen-level battle at the end of each segment. I bet ratings would improve and people would be more socially conscious. However, the words are all you're getting with this chapter of NARUTO. Naruto and Sasuke spend 98% of this issue either talking about what Hokage means to them, or over who has a better understanding of Itachi's will. Does any of that sound familiar to you? It should, if you've been reading any of their previous encounters.

The logic of Sasuke's grand scheme is so circular yet random you'd think it was plotted on a Spirograph as he defines his revolution. He simultaneously wants to force his way into becoming Hokage, then behave like such a jerk to everyone that the world will focus their anger solely upon him. That's his solution to curing the ills of the world, and how to make a world devoid of darkness. I think the Underpants Gnomes from SOUTHPARKhad a better plan.

What makes this even more frustrating is that Hagoromo just tells Kakashi that all they can do is wait. The entire population is still currently in a state of perpetual danger. If something were to go wrong, then humanity comes to an end over this difference in ideology. All because the Sage wants to take a wait and see approach.

Verdict 1/5

You could skip this chapter entirely and you'd miss almost literally nothing. Naruto and Sasuke only bicker about the same points they always have for years. You know what makes such a non-issue even more maddening? It's that the news has finally been confirmed that the NARUTO series is ending in roughly one month, in SHONEN JUMP No. 50. That's five weeks away. Events have been building to this fight since the time skip. Now, for every chapter this drags on, we'll be getting less time for any closure.

Follow along with the latest NARUTO chapters yourself, tune in for the SJ Podcast, and check out the free starter pack sampler at here. You can download the free app for both iOS and Android devices.

About the Author

Kristoffer Remmell (FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek. Follow for news updates: @AnimeVicers/@FoxxFireArt /

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