Friday, October 10, 2014

KAREN SENKI #1 -- Special Review

We're checking out all the newest pilots this season! Read our write-ups on other Fall 2014 offerings like...

Wow. I kind-of want to read this as Japan’s answer to RWBY,
in a very old school hip hop call-and-response battle of escalation. If RWBY showed
what a successful American-produced anime could look like, this is a vision of how
recent, cell-shaded toons from the West like SLUG TERRA and (ahem) MAX STEEL could work on Adult Swim.

== TEASER ==

It’s so polished, you just drink up the visuals. And I’ve
become so numbed to flash and spectacle here, that’s something I haven’t actually said in a long while. Karen’s a kick-ass lead with a style of her own, but I think
I was struck most by the bots with the all-seeing eyes who were stalking her
from every turn. There’s actually some great
humor in how they just kept swarming on her at even the most
seemingly-placid moments. Think you’re getting a moment of peace? BAM! Here are a
half-dozen lumbering homunculi to drop a bunch of inkblots on your sunshine...

Comparison wise, I’d reach for DIRTY PAIR first, since this
throws the sex and violence around in the dangerous post-Apocalypse with a bit
of self-effacing humor, but that’s low hanging fruit. There’s humor here, but
it still feels rather earnest, and it’s refreshingly free of any obvious
homages (despite the retro futurism).
The funniest scene had to be the one where Karen’s associate entertains a robo
callgirl, and even that lays a base of world and character building under the cheekiness, so I think there will be more to this to show than just cool shit.

I’m genuinely excited to see what scraps Karen’s going to be
getting in throughout this series…

Watch this pilot episode and decide for yourself.

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