Sunday, October 12, 2014

BLEACH Ch. 599 Review

With his best defense ripped to shreds by Senjumaru, Yhwach is forced to reveal his own royal guard to defend him from the Soul King'sforces.

The Good

When did Hawkman start appearing in manga?
When did Hawkman start appearing in manga?

I have to say that I'm very happy that Mr. Split-Tongue has been solidly defeated. I thought he was interesting enough, but it would have diminished the grandeur of the Zero Squad if this had turned into another back and forth battle. Having said that, the battle then suffers an equally dramatic swing to the other side. Not that I'm complaining about that at this point. I just don't want this all to just devolve into the shonen equivalent of watching a tennis match.

I might have an issue with Yhwach constantly pulling reinforcements out of the literal shadows, if it wasn't for Vandenreich basically meaning "shadow empire". It certainly does explain the name. It's also a nice foothold strategy. I just have some concerns that I'll cover in the next segment.

The Bad

When I saw how Ichigo was joining back of with his usual adventuring party, all classic RPG-style, to chase after Yhwach, I was a little confused. It all seemed to be putting the battle grossly out of balance. There weren't enough villains in the Reiokyu to go around for them and the Zero Squad. While that concern was pretty well satisfied in this chapter by the inclusion of these new named baddies. I just question the timing of only introducing us to these four now.

Yhwach's Royal Guard are likely suppose to be the enemies our heroes are rushing in to fight for the end of the series. Not only will this be their first meeting, this is the first time we're seeing them. Though I do remember one of them appearing briefly earlier in the arc. It just seems incredibly rushed that Kubo is dropping these guys in our lap and wants us to be intimidated by them. I just wish he had built them up a bit before this intro. Look at how much buildup Bambietta got before she fought, lost, then was turned into a tragic zombie.

Verdict 3/5

The chapter had a lot of nice action sequences that seem to be specifically designed to make up for a lack of back story for Yhwach's entourage. It's hard to not be impressed when they seem to have steamrolled right over Senjumaru. The only problem with this defeat is that it all feels way too simple. Mainly because so much about Senjumaru is still a mystery.

About the Author

Kristoffer Remmell (FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek. Follow for news updates: @AnimeVicers /@FoxxFireArt /

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