The official site for the upcoming TV anime adaptation of Kibidango Project's digital light novel series Momo Kyun Sword has posted the second promotional video introducing its basic storyline. The franchise is loosely based on one of the most famous Japanese folklores, Momotaro (Peach Boy). The original story features a boy who was born from a giant peach and his adventure to fight against a band of oni (demons or devils).
But instead, this Momo Kyun Sword TV anime produced by project No.9 (Ro-Kyu-Bu!, Recently, My Sister is Unusual) has a bishoujo protagonist Momoko voiced by Ayana Taketatsu. It follows Momoko's quest with her three animal friends (dog, monkey, pheasant) to retrieve pieces of the stolen treasure "Michimi no Momo" scattered all over Japan.
The 2nd PV
The 1st PV
The main voice cast:
MoMoko: Ayana Taketatsu
Onihime: Minami Tsuda
Ringo: Shiori Mikami
Kaguya: Mikako Komatsu
Sumeragi Tennyo: Masumi Asano
Inugami: Wataru Hatano
Sarugami: Shotaro Morikubo
Kijigami: Asami Imai
Suika: Suzuko Mimori
Karin: Yuka Ohtsubo
Kushinada: Asami Shimoda
The theme song:
"Momoiro Fantasy" by Haruka Chisuga
Key visual
via: Otasuke
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