Monday, November 24, 2014

FEATURE: Fanart Friday - Gotta Catch 'em All, Generation III Edition

Fanart Friday returns, and we're still hanging on to this Master Ball--it's comforting to have. Last week, I took you all on a trip through my secret origins as an anime fan, but this week we're back to an old favorite: GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL EDITION, covering the beloved Pokémon franchise!



What more really needs to be said--it's Pokémon! As one of the most enduring and just plain fun gaming franchises around, I'm always down to include Pokémon in Fanart Friday, especially when we're getting a new set of games! That's right, we have Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby coming out today, returning Pokémon fans to the Hoenn region, taking on the minions of Team Aqua and Team Magma, and putting a stop to their ridiculous diablolical plans! Let's get started!


DISCLAIMER:  None of the art presented is the property of myself or Crunchyroll.  All characters and series are tm and © their respective creators and corporate owners.  All art is the creative property of their respective artists.  Any artists who wish to have their work removed from this article may contact me, and appropriate action will be immediately taken.



by ソウジ

What better way to start than with the heroes of Generation III? It also kind of helps that Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are remakes of the original Gen-III titles (Ruby and Sapphire for the GBA, obviously), with the starters Torchic, Mudkip, and Treecko! (Also, Gardevoir for some reason.)



by ほたてぃーの

While the story for Ruby and Sapphire is pretty much the same as every other Pokémon game, it does take a turn for the apocalyptic: Team Magma and Team Aqua each want to rouse a legendary Pokémon (Groudon and Kyogre, respectively) to literally reshape the world. Did any of them actually watch 2012? THIS IS A BAD IDEA, GUYS



by Yたん

I mean, whales can be scary enough, so just imagine a massive whale-god living in the ocean that has ridiculous powers of elemental control. Kyogre's not a friendly little fishy.



by sido魂

On the other hand, JESUS, look at this guy! Groudon's like a gigantic Godzilla armadillo (Godzillarmadillo?) that controls lava. Does Team Magma have no sense of self-preservation?



by 小松菜

At least May (and her Blaziken) are taking the idea of "fighting fire with fire" very literally.




I think it's been long enough that we can call Pikachu one of the original starters, thanks to Pokémon Yellow. Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Charmander will always be my favorite starters, though.



by KANtarou

Back to legendaries, Rayquaza is technically the "boss" of the Gen-III trio, and is for all intents and purposes an insane dragon god. Why can't Magma and Aqua go bother this guy? He'll just kill them!



by さとつ

On to lighter news, Latios and Latias were a very welcome request from last week. Paired dragon Pokémon with impressive Mega Evolutions, Latios and Latias are probably my favorite non-starter Hoenn Pokémon.




Although I think it's safe to say that everyone else's favorite non-starter, non-legendary from Hoenn is Gardevoir, who has so, so much creepy fanart. Really, guys?




Roselia's another plant-based Pokémon whose evolutions kind of confuse me. Budew is adorable, Roselia's still cute, and then Roserade looks like Prince.



by ひよこんぶ

I know every now and then you run into a Normal Pokémon specialist, but can you imagine what life is like for those guys? "Yeah, man, I'm a Fighting-type specialist! I'm also a fighter and I believe in the warrior's way, etc. etc." "Oh yeah? Well I'm a Normal-type specialist! I don't have any real hobbies or interests, and I tell everyone who does to get a life, because it's not normal to really like anything!"



by ポタォ

Damn, you guys do love Sabrina (or Natsume, as she's known in Japan)! I can see why all of you love her, but I'm sorry, Professor Juniper's still my Pokémon waifu for laifu.



by イノマ

Evolutions are kind of a funny thing. You'd think something like Dragonair would eventually turn into a giant Gyarados or Rayquaza-type badass, but instead it evolves into the completely cute Dragonite. That's cool too!



by まくまく

Mewtwo vs. Deoxys! My money's on Mewtwo, but heads will literally be exploding all around this fight.



by モトジマはっか

I like Exploud. I know it's not a super-popular Pokémon, but it just reminds me of a giant bulldog/dinosaur that needs some love.



by かなンボ

Aw, thanks, Pikachu! Wait, that's for you? I don't think that's such a good idea in this weather... I mean what if the coffee's too hot, you jump, and zap the shit out of everybody?



by 片桐マヤ

I keep wanting to say "Diancie" like "Beyonce." I don't know why.



by sido魂

Another badass piece from the artist who did the Groudon piece near the beginning! Mega Evolutions are a really cool addition from X and Y, and it's awesome to see early Pokémon like Gengar getting to power up into new forms!



by 村上

I've said it before, and I'll say it again--Red is what Pokémon trainers should be like. The final showdown between him and Giovanni is one of my favorite moments in the entire series (or really just the Pokémon: Red manga).



by 小松菜

Dawn's got a pretty strong fanbase too, but aside from this gigantic Giratina that she has eating out of her hand, what I really want is her hat... which she's not wearing in this picture.



by 猫鴉

Jesus, what the hell is that? I'm gonna have nightmares about Mega Mawile! Mawile is already pretty freaky-looking, but is still kinda cute... this is a more terrifying take on a Mega Evolution. How about something nicer?



by 野江ユウヒ

Like some Mudkips, which many people have heard that we (and others) unabashedly like. That looks so comfy.




ultmte brings up an important thing for me: everybody wants Pokémon on console. That's great, and consoles have more power than handhelds, but Pokemon's not about graphics or power--the games are huge, and have a ton of content and plenty of replay value, more so than the vast majority of modern console games. Plus, you can take it with you wherever you want--not only is that a great benefit of Pokémon being a handheld franchise, but also for handheld platforms as a whole.



by 東みなつ@C88東シー43b

Here's a good pic to end with--remember to charge up your 3DS every night after those marathon sessions of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire!


Still in the mood for more Pokémon? Then check out the original Gotta Catch 'em All Edition, or Gotta Catch 'em All Edition, Generation II!


And that's everything for this week! There's no way I could have included everything--who are your favorite trainers, your favorite Pokémon, your favorite games in the series? Sound off in the comments and let us know!


As always, your work is always welcome on Fanart Friday regardless of your skill level or experience. Just PM me a link to your work (full URL, please!) and I'll be sure to include it in a future installment! Here are the next three themes for Fanart Friday:


-Next week, on NOVEMBER 28th, it's time for what's now a Black Friday standard on Fanart Friday--VILLAINS! Wickedness begets wickedness on the darkest day of the year for retail employees, so who are your favorite evildoers? THIS IS THE ONLY THEME I'M TAKING REQUESTS FOR THIS WEEK!

-Then, on DECEMBER 5th, bundle up! We're gonna head out and play in the snow and ice, then head inside for some hot cocoa with our annual WINTER WONDERLAND EDITION!

-On DECEMBER 12th, it's time to celebrate the end of a cinematic legend--shortly before The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies debuts in theaters, we're doing a full MIDDLE-EARTH-themed installment!


Thanks for coming by to check out Fanart Friday! Have a great weekend, and I hope you come by next week, too! If you're in the Berkeley area and going to Anime-Destiny, be sure to check out the Anime Journalism panel at 4pm--I'll be there!

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