Tuesday, November 25, 2014

BLEACH Ch. 605 Review

The Soul Society struggles to find their footing after the most recent turn in the war, and Yhwach faces the heavy handed tactics of one of the Zero Squad's best to enter the Reiokyu.

The Good

Ichibe is like the Babe Ruth of Soul Reapers.
Ichibe is like the Babe Ruth of Soul Reapers.

I was actually pretty surprised by the way this battle between Yhwach and Ohso (Ichibe Hyosube) has played out this week. I honestly thought we were at the point in the story where the Vandenreich were going to start steamrolling over the Zero Squad, but they still have plenty of fight left in them.

The Yhwach part of it is the most shocking. Classically, Kubo makes his boss villains nigh untouchable. Just look how long it took anyone to even land a single blow on Aizen. Yet here, Ichibe is giving Yhwach a galactic level face palming. He's pushed the Quincy king into a corner and has forced him to resort to drastic measures just to hold his ground. I sort of enjoy that, and I doubt he'll be pulling another bait and switch, as he did in the fight against Yamamoto.

The Bad

I really didn't have any trouble with this chapter. However, I am reflecting upon certain matters revolving how SHONEN JUMP handles finales. Which is really better? This finale for BLEACH was announced well over a year ago, and no timeline for the closing. It's obvious that it's not going to be any time soon. Perhaps mid next year. NARUTO, on the other hand, just had the finale announcement dropped so suddenly that I think many suffered figurative whiplash.

Verdict 3/5

For as long as this battle has gone on, I'm actually surprised how much I'm enjoying myself. Admittedly, I don't think it's the incredible. I just can't deny that I'm at least entertained, and I'm reveling in witnessing this villain getting swatted around as one would with an annoying fly. Let's also not forget that it's been a very long time since we've seen Yhwach actually do anything on his own behalf. I'd much rather see this final villain overcome a powerful foe to show his strength over Aizen's constant trolling tactics.

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About the Author

Kristoffer Remmell (FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek. Follow for news updates:@AnimeVicers /@FoxxFireArt / http://kristofferremmell.tumblr.com/

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