Thursday, March 20, 2014

ONE PIECE Ch. 741 Review -- AV MOD Material

Took you long enough, Usopp.
Took you long enough, Usopp.

Usoland is nevermore! It's time for Usopp of the Straw Hats to finally take the stage. At least not this week....or possibly the week after.

The Good

Such trust isn't deserved but still admirable.
Such trust isn't deserved but still admirable.

What is there for me to really say about this chapter when honestly so little actually happens. It's been a while since I've seen that in ONE PIECE. While the outcome for Usopp was incredibly predictable, the best part was how his return to the battle came about. The Tontattas are such gullible people. They'll fall for pretty much anything, but Leo and the others defy their trusting nature in favor in their faith in Usopp.

Obviously that faith wasn't placed especially well initially, but you can't argue with the payoff. The part that I actually like and wasn't expecting was how Usopp completely owned up. He could have kept up the ruse of Usoland, but I'm really happy that he comes clean with them. Even if you aren't a hero. It doesn't mean you can't become one.

The Bad

The saddest part of this panel is the break announcement.
The saddest part of this panel is the break announcement.

I guess we all knew that it was going to happen at some point. It's flashback story time. I'd normally be alright with that -- providing it doesn't go on for too long, but the timing couldn't be worse. We finally get to the point of Usopp getting heroic, and it's preempted for the boy-hood tale of Kyros. What makes matters worse, I suspect that there is much more to come. All that momentum the series has been building comes to a grinding halt for what I'm assuming is the story of how Rebecca was born. If you feel the story needed to be told. It doesn't have to be "here".

Verdict 2/5

This was an amazingly unproductive chapter, and the fault for that is on the author and an ill-timed flashback. No real action to speak of, the comedy is next to none, and the best part of the events is arbitrarily cut off for something far less entertaining. Oda is normally much better at hitting the emotional heartstrings. I wondering how long Oda could keep up this streak for solid story week after week. I think I now have my answer. This long.

In all honesty, the best part of the entire edition this week is that awesome splash-page of the Straw Hat Army. I hope that can hold you out for a week. ONE PIECE will be on break. See you then, everyone.

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About the Author

Kristoffer Remmell (FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek. Follow for news updates: @AnimeVicers / @FoxxFireArt /

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