Tuesday, March 4, 2014

“My Sister Is an American?!” Web Manga Receives Japanese Print Edition

"My Sister Is an American?!" Web Manga Receives Japanese Print Edition

Chances are that you've seen this premise before. A teenage manga character's parent remarries, introducing a strange new member into the household. In the case of Imouto ga Americajin!?, a teenage guy's divorced mother returns to Japan and pretty much immediately set him on a collision course with something truly alien... an American little sister.

Maken Shiroya's culture clash manga manga, also know as My Sister Is an American?! was published by by Micro Magazine (Kotoura-san) on Nico Nico Seiga (Senyuu), Nico Nico's image hosting service that host alo offers e-books (denshi shoseki) such as light novels, or manga.

After picking up a following, a print edition was released last weekend. It was prepared by arranging the manga for dimensions of the paper page, a bit of de-censoring (some of it was a bit too hot for NicoNico), adding a 24 page hot spring bonus chapter and lining up an endorsement by veteran manga author Shinji Hiramatsu.

Sure to amuse Americajin manga readers... here's a bit of what one comedy manga thinks of us....

Store based bonuses are offered by

Comic Zin

Books horindo


And, there's an autographed illustration Twitter campaign

【RTでサイン色紙プレゼント!】「第3艦橋より」を連載中の城谷間間さん別作「妹はアメリカ人」2/28単行本発売記念♪ このつぶやきをリツイートすると抽選で3名様に直筆サイン色紙が当たります!http://t.co/c8jpaxVDLF pic.twitter.com/kEdWuUyH03

— 【公式】comico (@comico_jp) February 20, 2014

Natalie and AkibaBlog (NSFW)

Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

Read more here: Crunchy Roll

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