Thursday, March 6, 2014

Cure Maid Cafe Offers "Kill La Kill" Menu

Akihabara's Cure Maid Cafe has a new anime attraction launching next weekend and running through the first week of April. In addition to the famous maid service, the venue will be hosting a selection of special Kill La Kill drinks, meals and desserts. 



Drinks (450yen)

Ryuko Matoi 

Blueberry juice x blue Hawaii x grenadine and a red straw

Satsuki Kiryuin

Yogurt drink x blueberry juice x Blue Hawaii and a white straw

Mako Mankanshoku

Coconut syrup × royal milk tea x chocolate + whipped spray

Uzu Sanageyama

Kiwi juice x kiwi cocktail x grapefuit juice

Houka Inumuta

Lemon cocktail x lemon soda + 3 rubber bands (decorating the glass)

Ira Gamagoori 

Lemon cocktail x cola

Nonon Jakuzure

Strawberry syrup + soda + whip cream + chocolate

Nui Harime

Strawberry syrup + cherry syrup + peahc syrup + Calpis + whipcream + pink sprinkles

Alcoholic drinks

Aikuro Mikisugi (500yen, staff can provide a non-alcoholic for 450yen)

Blue Curaçao x vodka x ginger ale + silver decoration + stirring rod

Ragyo Kiryuin (1000yen)

Blueberry sauce x grenadine x green mint syrup x Curaçao x grapefuit juice x Cointreau  x soda  + gold leaf

The non-alcoholic drinks are 800yen with special glasses, which are also available for purchase seperately

Food includes

Mankanshoku dinner inspired croquette plate - 850yen

Tri-City Schools Raid Trip Gozen plate - 1000yen

Sukuyo's Whimsical Croquettes - whole fish, fried manadarin orange, fried broccoli (not really for sale due to availablity of items like whole fish)


One-Star cheese cake - 450yen

Three-star cheese cake with mousse and strawberry - 900yen

Satsuki afternoon tea with Elite Four mini-desserts - 850yen

Special glasses 1050yen

via @GeoffTebbetts

Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

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