Tuesday, March 11, 2014

anifone Smartphone Overlay Now In Development for iOS

After first being developed for Android, the Madoka Magica version of the anifone active smartphone overlay has now been confirmed for a future release on Apple's iOS due to popular demand, with more information forthcoming.


MadoMagi fone iOS


The announcement went out over the app's official Twitter account as well.


The anfone overlay is installed as an app that completely customizes the look and feel of the owner's smartphone, reaching further down than a standard Android theme, with custom voice banks, icons, active wallpaper and even built-in games. Below, the original announcement for the Android version from last December.



How many of you are excited for the future expansion of the app to iOS?

Humberto Saabedra is the Owner of AnimeNews.biz, Editor-in-Chief of PhoneNews.com and a part-time recording engineer. He can also be found musing on things (and Nico Robin) at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

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