Sunday, November 2, 2014

hide to Comes Back With Help From Vocaloid

Hideto Matsumoto, aka hide, the lead guitarist of X Japan and co-founder of Zilch, passed away in 1998 while working on this third album, Ja,Zoo. In honor of his 50th birthday on December 10th, a memorial album will feature Ja,Zoo's previously unreleased song "Ko gyaru."

The song is being completed with the help of voice synthesizer technology (VOCALOID) developed by Yamaha and the production of I.N.A.


hide Birthday 50th Anniversary Album will also feature a "Extra Track":  Ko gyaru"'s demo recorded by hide for the album Ja,Zoo's. The first press limited edition include a DVD with a "Kp gyaru" music video and live footage of  hide. 



via MusicJapanPlus 



Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

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