Friday, September 19, 2014

ONE PIECE #661 -- Special Review

Holy shit… this is a weekly program?

I have to think that Toei must’ve decided to throw a lot
more staffers and cash at this show after they passed the 15'th anniversary mark.
(Maybe that was all leftover following
TORIKO’s cancellation?
) CrunchyRoll allows us to, at a glance, compare the animation quality of the show’s various
eras; and the amount of textures, lighting effects and, hell, added frames on display
here makes the early years look like rough animatics.

Sheesh… it’s even
heads and tails above the “Punk Hazard” arc! The duel between Doflamingo and Law alone - - where their carving up bridges
and entire city blocks, at once
- - looks like it cost about the same as an
entire episode from last season. That one screencap above alone is better
rendered than most promo art...!


== TEASER ==

Lest I keep waxing rhapsodic about the animation quality, I
ought to say that watching this particular episode right after HxH and NARUTO’s
latest offerings puts a fine point on how much fun this series is in comparison
to its competitors. I mean, the better part of this joint is devoted to an evil Elton John causing wanton
destruction. Doflamingo didn’t look that interesting when he was getting teased
as Caesar Clown’s boss but, holy moley, is he a hoot to watch here.

I had to tap out of ONE PIECE after “Punk Hazard” because it
got too exhausting week-to-week, but I’m strongly considering picking it up
again after this little re-visit. I mean, animation alone... this looks better
than most features.

Watch "A Showdown Between the Warlords! Law vs. Doflamingo!" and decide for yourself.

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