Saturday, September 20, 2014

FEATURE: Fanart Friday - Three Whole Years Edition (a.k.a. the Fall Recap)

Fanart Friday returns, and thank you, everybody, for getting us this far. Last week, we continued our semi-regular voice actors and actresses theme with LAURA BAILEY, but this week, we celebrate a birthday! The original Fanart Friday was on September 23, 2011, and it's been a long, exciting three years since! As many of you know, every six months we do a recap episode, letting you catch up on any installments you might have missed, but this week, we're doing a little more.



After we do our recap of the last six months (and this week's reader submissions), I'll be spotlighting the three readers who have submitted the most art to the column, as well as a special contest with some kickass prizes! Now, let's get started!


DISCLAIMER:  None of the art presented is the property of myself or Crunchyroll.  All characters and series are tm and © their respective creators and corporate owners.  All art is the creative property of their respective artists.  Any artists who wish to have their work removed from this article may contact me, and appropriate action will be immediately taken.



by ハブキ

Fresh off our last recap episode, we looked at a fairly common storytelling element--the "magical girlfriend/boyfriend" or "perfect partner"-type characters in The Better Half Edition!



by 雛咲

As Sword Art Online II is one of our most popular shows right now, this edition has special relevance--Fanart Friday II Edition covered sequels and successors!



by はし

From actual animal ears to hair accessories that kind of look like animal ears, Kemonomimi Mode Edition took a look at your favorite perky-eared characters! Thanks again to bastet666 for suggesting this theme!



by ネン子

In a rare misstep, I wasn't able to post Fanart Friday, so hopefully the only Fanart Monday featured Aya Hirano in All Eyes on Aya Edition!



by 葛西 心

I know, guys, we don't have Gosick any more and that's a shame. Bones, Thugs, and Anime Edition went through the excellent library of Studio Bones! It also got SailorBee to permanently refer to Captain Earth as "Captain Ass."



by M. Monkey

I don't give a crap about Korra, the show should just be called The Legend of Bolin. We started a month-long elemental theme with The Good Earth Edition--yeah, there were a lot of Avatar/Legend of Korra requests.



by シャボン玉

Fire with Fire Edition continued the theme, lighting fools up with characters like Colonel Roy Mustang here!



by Shricka

Alongside Avatar, W.I.T.C.H. made regular appearances throughout the month--Hay Lin represented her element in Breaking Wind Edition! Again, you have no idea how happy it made me to use that headline.



by 亘井

D-FRAG was another series that made an appearance for every week of the elemental theme--Be Water, My Friend Edition got wet and wild!



by ふらぷら

Flame of Recca (and the metal-repping Kaoru) got to round out the month in Total Metalhead Edition!



by tetsu

After wrapping up a month-long elemental theme, I covered my all-time favorite video game series (and celebrated the release of Ultra Street Fighter IV) with The World Warrior Edition!



by あきまん

In one of the most blatantly boring titles I've ever used, Kyoto Animation Edition looked through KyoAni's library! Why is it that these shows are so gentle and relaxing, and yet the fans are so volatile?



by しんぞう

Even More Fun in the Sun Edition continued the tradition of a "summer" installment, this time with the most shocking Free! fanart yet--I found one where they actually have their shirts on!



by いずはら

So how do you like Tomokazu Seki best? As the cool and collected type, like Ichiro Miyata here? Or as the hot-blooded type, like Domon Kasshu? We ran the gamut of Seki's roles in Bringing Seki Back Edition!



by 精神暗黒街 こう

For the 4th of July weekend, I actually had to take a last-minute trip to help out at Anime Expo--but I was still able to post Fight for Freedom Edition!



by saka

Don't Want Look at Sad Edition not only allowed me to make an Oglaf (hilariously NSFW) joke in the headline, but also allowed me to post even more Maes Hughes fanart, which I never get tired of doing because I'm kind of a sadist.



by キグナス

Our Machine Overlords Edition covered classics like Ghost in the Shell alongside new favorites like the Persona series! Who's ready for Persona 4 Arena Ultimax?



by maruco

She's not as active now, but it was great to visit the roles of the legendary Megumi Hayashibara in Megami Megumi Edition!



by 蒼森.laio

Another month-long theme took the stage as we tried to create the perfect team! Representing STRENGTH was Brute Force Edition!



by 綾風柳晶

Next up was SPEED, with our favorite speedsters leading the pack in Greased Lightning Edition!



by しろんAa子

When strength and speed aren't enough, sometimes it takes SKILL to win! Use Your Head Edition dealt with the brains of our perfect team!



by 半二

Giving up was not an option--whether in battle or in chasing your dreams--with the GUTS-powered characters of To the Bitter End Edition!



by 悠羽

Whether they lead from the front or hang back and bark orders, every team needs a leader, and Follow the Leader Edition listed off a bunch of favorites!



by JaneMere

We started off September with our annual look at school series, in Back to School Junior Year Edition!



by 龍木申@三日目 東"ヘ"08b

And finally, that brings us to last week's In Love with Laura Edition, which not only featured a ton of Laura Bailey roles, but Laura Bailey singing Sublime's "What I Got" from Saint's Row: The Third!


Still feel like catching up on old Fanart Fridays? Here are links to our past recaps!

Fanart Friday - Two and a Half Fanarts Edition (a.k.a. the Spring Recap)

Fanart Friday - Terrible Twos Edition (a.k.a. the Fall Recap)

Fanart Friday - Spring Recap Episode Edition

Fanart Friday - First Anniversary Edition

Fanart Friday - Recap Episode Edition


Now, we also got a few submissions this week, and I have to let you guys know that I'm always grateful to receive these. We actually got two this week from celebistar, so I'll share those first, and then I'll get to our three now-more-or-less-regular contributors!



by celebistar READER SUBMISSION!



by celebistar READER SUBMISSION!

Yes, they're obviously both reader submissions, but better to keep in practice so I never forget, right? Anyways, I normally only accept one reader submission per installment for obvious reasons, but as this is a special week, I figured why not, celebistar can show off her love of Nobunagun. No joke, my first response to getting the second pic was "damn, girl, you really like this series." She does. She really, really does.




ultmte's regular submissions are something I look forward to every week. I've always believed fanart is all about how fun it is to get to draw your favorite characters, to show your love for a series by putting pencil to paper and crafting something, and this guy draws a lot. I've actually lost count on the sheer number of submissions ultmte has made to the column at this point, but I will say that even my titanic ego will not allow me to name this week's installment "Thanks to Nate Edition." Nah, more like thanks to you, dude, and keep 'em coming. Here's a quick intro from ultmte himself!


My name is Tyler, and I live in the United States--I'm currently single, ladies. Umm, what else... I have two younger brothers, and I started watching anime way back when Toonami first aired, and I've been hooked since. I love to draw, and love to make people smile. Thats about it--if you like my artwork please feel free to visit my deviantArt account!




OroNoDa, known on CR as akakiba, has been regularly submitting work for a while, and is only sixteen freaking years old, so I'm looking forward to seeing where his art goes. He's great at capturing the ineffable feeling of a character (check his submission in Follow the Leader Edition), and I can tell he's a good person because he really likes Gintama. Here's a word from him!


Lazy, sweets-loving, Shonen Jump fan in my 20's. Not unlike one Sakata Gintoki, except not as kick-ass, hilarious, or good-looking. One could say I'm obsessed with Gintama, dedicating at least one piece a month from the series to Fanart Friday. I've been a long-time reader, but didn't actually have the "kintama" to start contributing until this year. I'm thankful for the oppourtunity to share my love of anime alongside such inspiring and wonderful people--fellow fan artists and readers alike. Like any artist, I'd like to eventually make a living from my works outside of Fanart Friday submissions, even if that means accepting food as payment. Especially gummy bears. I can live off gummy bears.


As of writing this article, I don't have a piece from MadPandaKira, but thank you, MadPandaKira, for regularly submitting work! You get pretty creative, like your Natsu submission that's actually a physical cutout to more traditional pieces. Thanks again for all your hard work and I look forward to more!

Even if you haven't submitted to Fanart Friday in a while, you're not forgotten. I've been wondering where xDestinyStarzx went, and even one- or two-shot guests like Tefrin, Culevra and Schrodingers-Kat, it was great getting your art.

Now, what kind of birthday party doesn't have games? In cooperation with the fine folks at the Crunchyroll Store, I've put together a bunch of prizes!


ONE (1) WINNER - A kickass prize pack including a full series on Blu-ray, a few random anime DVDs, a figure, and Crunchyroll-branded merchandise, all jammed into a Crunchyroll backpack! The winner of this prize also gets a full year of All-Access Membership!


ONE (1) WINNER - One year of Crunchyroll All-Access Membership!


THREE (3) WINNERS - 90 days of Crunchyroll All-Access Membership!


How do you win? It's simple:


1. Correctly answer all of the following trivia questions. Only entries with all five correct answers are eligible for the random drawing.


2. Only one entry per person. I can check if you're using multiple accounts, so don't try it.


3. Send a Private Message to the Crunchyroll account "natetest" with your answers, and we'll announce our winners on October 17th's Fanart Friday!




1. Which three installments of Fanart Friday don't have any running commentary?


2. What was the first installment where Nate included a music video?


3. Which two installments of Fanart Friday are written by guest authors?


4. List three series or franchises that have had a Fanart Friday all to themselves.


5. List three multi-week themes that were featured on Fanart Friday. Consecutive-week themes only--semi-regular themes like "voice actors" and "animation studios" don't count!


And that's everything for this week--before we close up for today, here are the next three themes for Fanart Friday!


-Next week, on SEPTEMBER 26th, practice your swagger and glare as DELINQUENTS take the spotlight! THE HELL YOU THINK YOU'RE LOOKIN' AT, HUH?! THIS IS THE ONLY THEME I'M TAKING REQUESTS FOR THIS WEEK!

-Then, on OCTOBER 3rd, cock back and let 'em have it--we celebrate the release of SUPER SMASH BROS. for 3DS with a look at Nintendo's all-star SMASH BROS. franchise!

-On OCTOBER 10th--10/10--we're seeing double with TWINS! I know quite a few twins, and they're all a bunch of freakin' weirdoes, so this installment's gonna be a lot of fun!


Thanks again for coming by to check out Fanart Friday, especially today as we celebrate three years of fun. Have a great weekend, and I hope you drop by again next week! Don't just request characters for next week--if you have a theme you really want to see, or questions or comments about the column itself, ask away!

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