Do you keep pets? If so would that be a cat or dog? Maybe some beetles? or how about a pig? Spotted this fellow in our local shopping arcade the other day walking his very sweet pig.
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For those who answered "Dog" - how much did you pay for it? I saw this little "Teacup Poodle" at Lalaport yesterday - was really cute and wondered about the price...
Teacup Poodles are said to called that due to their size - even when fully grown they end up being small and apparently they don't live for that long either - about 3 - 5 years.
This Teacup Poodle costs 1,200,000 yen (11827 USD at today's rate). I'm not familiar with prices of pets around the world but that seems kinda expensive?
As for cats - this site sells them from anywhere between 60,000 yen and 290,000 yen.
These photos taken at another pet store which show examples of less costly dogs. How much do pets cost in your neck of the woods?
Forgot to take note of the types so feel free to play "name that dog" ^^;
This little fella going for 72,450 yen.
Yours for 135,450 yen.
79,000 yen tissue paper included.
This is the same type of dog that my neighbor has. They had to pay about 300,000 yen for an operation when their dog swallowed a plastic ball ><
This puppy here costs 177,450 yen.
Sleepy fella for 166,950 yen.
Another sleepy chap for 135,450 yen.
Adorable. Do all puppies sleep during the afternoon?
Was wondering about pet owners who have dolls or figures - do your pets try to go for your plastic ones?
And if you prefer a companion that does not poo, pee, require feeding or get sick then check out Smart Doll ^o^
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