Saturday, October 4, 2014

NARUTO Ch. 693 Review

The population of the entire world is still caught in the Infinite Tsukuyomi, but Naruto and Sasuke have something to settle before they can really let this war end.

The Good

They'll have to rename this place the Valley or Reruns.
They'll have to rename this place the Valley or Reruns.

I'm really getting tired of only finding the will to praise the art of NARUTO, but the story has gone beyond derailed. I think the only enjoyment I got out of this was an ironic laugh at Sasuke for pointing out thatSakura has no reason to like him. Something he said actually made sense.

The Bad

These two need to fight right now because...reasons.
These two need to fight right now because...reasons.

It was nice having a week off not having to think about NARUTO, but look where we find ourselves now. The population of the entire planet are currently being slowly transformed into plant creatures, but the series apparently still needs Sasuke and Naruto to settle their childish rivalry right now. It becomes worse with the Sage of Six Paths just sitting there as witness to this bickering and doesn't even make any attempt to talk some reason into them. Not a single person is saying, "You don't have time for this." It's as if Kishimoto has either forgotten about that aspect or just doesn't want the audience to be thinking about it.

I understand that Kishimoto is trying the raise the tension, but his timing makes them both look incredibly irresponsible in the process. Do they even know how much time they have?

At this point, it's really pitiful, Sakura.
At this point, it's really pitiful, Sakura.

A lot of people like to criticize Peter Jackson's LORD OF THE RINGS: RETURN OF THE KING for having multiple endings, meaning that the movie seems to end, then end, and find room for yet another end between the final end. Kishimoto has seemed to have taken that same theme so far as to be ridiculous. Ending this whole charade on the defeat of Kaguya and saving the world would have been great, but the creator has decided to drag us by the ear all the way back to the Valley of the End for yet another battle. There is no reason why they couldn't just settle this from their current location.

Some of you may try and claim there is something poetic about traveling all the way across the Land of Fire, but do any of you honestly believe that will be the actual end? I still haven't seen any press release announcing this as the final arc, and there is no way this series would get less fan fair than BLEACH's final act. This series has at least another arc left in it, but with Sasuke and Naruto having their showdown now. I can't imagine what it would be about.

Verdict 1/5

It's pretty well official that we've crossed the four year mark from when the Shinobi Alliance formed and started the war to prevent the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Officially, it was more to protect the final two Biju and prevent Obito from casting the Infinite Tsukuyomi. That didn't work out so well. So, until that jutsu has been undone, you can't say this war has really ended.

This coming battle has been coming ever since the time skip. So, right there you know that this won't be a short one to two week fight. Don't be surprised if this doesn't bleed into November or December. Just let this end for real.

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About the Author

Kristoffer Remmell (FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek. Follow for news updates: @AnimeVicers/@FoxxFireArt /

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