Saturday, March 1, 2014

KILL LA KILL #20 is Stitched Together Messily

So Evil Strawberry Shortcake has the Loony Toons healing factor, too? I
think that’s got less to do with the show establishing some hierarchy of
superpowers so much as it’s Trigger’s way of winking at us and saying, “Don’t
worry. We’re well aware that none of these fights have had any consequences. Here’s a funny reason why!
” Which doesn’t quite remedy
anything here, but…

See, I’ll harp again on how one of this show’s major problems is
structure. It’s hard for me to even play along at being invested in
Ryuko riding off for what’s supposed to be her final showdown with the bad guys
when she basically did the exact same thing last episode. And I think
she did it once prior to that, too. Maybe. It all starts to blend together.

== TEASER ==

You might say that all sets Raygo up to be this nightmarish, Freddy
Krueger-like adversary who just won’t die no matter how times you kill her.
That’d be well and good if the show actually structured some breaks in between
the confrontations to build anticipation and tension up and make it seem like the stakes
were raising. Outside of maybe that over-long portion where Ryuko fought the
Four Horsemen (which was kind of repetitive in itself), I don’t think
the series has actually had any sub-arcs -- and it could really use some.

Since this episode did have some sick metal cuts, I’ll use a music
analogy and describe this whole show as a concept album’s garage demo. There
are a lot of elements to like, but they all kind of drown each other out. You
need a producer to come in and polish things - - to turn down the drums when
the bass needs to be heard, and shorten the overlong guitar solo, etc.

Anyway, as always there’s a ton of creativity flying at you here. Loved
the suit-swap between Ryuko and Satsuki. Loved the Nimrod forms that the drones
take on. Loved the teenage battleship demolition. Love the demonic
jack-in-the-box shapes that the bad guys assume. It just needs to be… threaded
together better, you know?

Watch, Far from the Madding Crowd” and decide for yourself, then
read my comments about the previous episode.

About the Author

Tom Pinchuk’s a writer and personality with a large number of comics, videos and features like this to his credit. Visit his website - - - - and follow his Twitter: @tompinchuk

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