Sunday, March 9, 2014

Happy Birthday to 64 Year Old Cosplayer!

Happy Birthday to 64 Year Old Cosplayer!

You're only young once, but as Tomoaki "Master Roshi" Kohguchi demonstrates, you can cosplay forever. This week, businessman/cosplayer turned 64 this week, much to the delight of his online fans.

【おたおめ】今日で64歳になる広島自作派現役レイヤー @kohguchiさんの本気をみるのです… まさにコスプレ仙人……。なお今は提督業にがんばっておられるもよう。

— 広島オタクマップ (@otakumap) March 6, 2014

via My Game Flash

Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

Read more here: Crunchy Roll

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