Thursday, February 20, 2014

Japanese Science Magazine to Offer Hatsune Miku Soundboard

A special edition of Otona no Kagaku (Science for Adults) is offering an interesting project. The “DSX-39″ Pocket Miku is a keyboard that uses a eVocaloid “NSX-1″ audio chip to play sample Miku sounds.



Played with a a touch stylus keyboard and nine buttons, the device has three mode that have Miku singing “do-re-mi” , “a, i, u, e, o” (vowel) mode, or a preset mode of 5 other lyrics, fed into the device via a USB. A fun toy more than anything, it's not capable of exporting data to a PC.



Buttons 1-5: sing a~o (vowels)
Button 6: vibrato
Button 7: shift
Button 8: volume up
Button 9: volume down
Button 7+1-5: choose preset lyrics
Button 7+6: Do-re-mi mode (sing the scale)
Button 7+8: octave up


It ships April 3rd for 5,229 Yen.


via Mikufan


Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

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