Takeshi Konomi, the original manga creator of the popular The Prince of Tennis series, reported on his official Twitter on February 19 that the publisher Shueisha has received more than 100,000 Valentine's Day chocolates for the manga characters. He says, "This year's Valentine is the greatest ever...! While that is currently being added up, the total number is easily more than 100,000. The editorial department is too small for the massive number of cardboard boxes, and the chocolates have already filled up the publisher's underground warehouse Σ((*□*)) What?! I will post the photos later." Check the photos below.
According to the 10th volume of The New Prince of Tennis manga, the publisher received 44,570
Valentine's Day chocolates in total from the fans last year. The most popular character was Keigo
Atobe who got 7,747. One of the reasons of this year's rapid increase is probably the author's February 4
post. He reported that a dedicated fan (or group) of Shusuke Fuji had already sent 8,000 Look chocolates
for him to Shueisha (see the photo below). Fuji was on a 8th with 1,125 last year. The news may have
fired up the fans' competitive spirits?
Source: Takeshi Konomi's official Twitter
© Takeshi Konomi/Shueisha
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