Saturday, September 20, 2014

BLEACH Ch. 596 Review

Captain Kurotsuchi has come to rescue Byakuya using the undead victims of Giselle as his personal corpse army.

The Good

Yeah, this turn was unsurprising.
Yeah, this turn was unsurprising.

I'm enjoying the prospects of how Kubo is melding the Kurotsuchi fight into Byakuya. You don't often see that in these kind of situations. The shonen battles are more isolated affairs that almost never bleed into the next. One ends, then you move on to the next. Mixing up the classic formula is kind of refreshing.

Something I really like is that Kurotsuchi didn't "save" his allies here. Just turned them into his own tools. Being benevolent is not in his character. It also would have been way too neat if the defeat of Giselle would have just magically lifted her control over them. It's actually made me question if they can be returned. That makes for a far more interesting situation.

The battles of the female Vandenreich have been surprisingly entertaining these past few weeks. With two apparently now out, I'm interested to see what happens with Liltotto Lamperd. What are the possibilities of her consumption abilities? Given how this chapter concludes, I really look forward to seeing how she enacts her revenge on Pepe before turning on the heroes. I'm foreseeing a very Kimblee meets Pride scenario.

The Bad

Is this zombie really finished so suddenly?
Is this zombie really finished so suddenly?

I'm rather bewildered to see that the fight between Kurotsuchi and Giselle has seemingly been concluded so suddenly and through a flashback of all things. I also don't understand how being stabbed through the chest could kill her. We've seen her nearly sliced in half before. I think I'm going to hold off judgement on this point until I'm sure she won't be popping up again. That just seems way too simplistic.

Now, if you want to talk about unnecessary things. Did we really need an entire page dedicated to Pepe getting the love pounded out of him? That almost screams that Kubo was going to run short on this issue and needed to pad the manuscript. Maybe he could have spared the space to see more of what happened with Giselle.

Verdict 3/5

This strikes me as yet another "Love it or Hate it" kind of chapter. At best, I can say that I at least enjoyed the read. There's just something in the current events that's appealing to me, but the pace does seem a bit off in this issue. Guess we'll just have to wait and see if any of these questions get answered next week. Until then, everybody.

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About the Author

Kristoffer Remmell (FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek. Follow for news updates: @AnimeVicers /@FoxxFireArt /

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