Saturday, April 12, 2014


I didn't ask for your hands, but I like the love, anyway.
I didn't ask for your hands, but I like the love, anyway.

Naruto has chosen to take the path set before him by destiny and save the world from Madara's twisted dream.

The Good

This panel alone must have taken a good chunk of time.
This panel alone must have taken a good chunk of time.

For as much as I'm falling away from the story of NARUTO, I'm not going to just pile on the criticism to every single aspect of this chapter. This has some solid art that you can really tell that Kishimoto poured some serious heart and effort into nearly every panel. This must have taken a lot of time and late hours to keep this on schedule.

I originally thought that Obito was only putting the Nine-Tails back into Naruto, but it appears he's been given some of all the nine Biju. Wouldn't that put him only a few steps below where Madara currently stands in power? This could turn into a pretty amazing battle. Providing we're done with this backstory stuff.

The Bad

Did these two ever have a choice?
Did these two ever have a choice?

I think the SOUTH PARK episode parodying the movie INCEPTION said it best. "Just because you make something complicated doesn't make it smart!". It is astoundingly disappointing that Kishimoto has not only taken the path of Naruto being "The Child of Prophesy", but now he's also the reincarnation of theSage of Six Paths' youngest son. Before everyone starts flying off the handle. How can you really be that perturbed when he's only doing what so many other writers tend to end up?

What makes this worse for NARUTO is that it cuts the legs out of much of the protagonist's early era. Think of that battle with Neji. He wasn't some loser, who overcame a challenge through his hard work and drive. He was destined to be great from his very birth to play a role in some cosmic farce that the Sage of Six Paths has watched repeat itself.

Why do writers always seem to think that's a great thing to do with their heroes? You're character is no longer relatable to the "average person". They're never going to learn the lesson of dedication for your dream. The only thinking this kind of story does is teach the young audience that if you aren't born great you will never achieve greatness.

I could go on with more problems I had with this issue, but I'm choosing to end the cycle of negativity for this week here. I'll leave it to the readers to discuss the events further.

Verdict 2/5

It seems it has become about time to just emotionally check out of NARUTO. Kishimoto has basically betrayed the original premise of Naruto reaching grandeur through his effort and support of his friends. However, just remember that he's doing what nearly every writer does at some point. It makes it hard to be too critical of this choice.

I very seriously would have rated this chapter as a 1 out of 5, if it hadn't been for the art. There are some really amazing looking panels in this chapter that have some great detail. Come for the art, and if you just want to breeze through the story. I wouldn't hold it against you.

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About the Author

Kristoffer Remmell (FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek. Follow for news updates: @AnimeVicers / @FoxxFireArt /

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