Thursday, February 20, 2014

"WAKFU: The Animated Series" KickStarter Approaches $440,000

Thanks to a Kickstarter fundraiser, cult French animated fantasy WAKFU will in fact soon be getting an English release. Ankama, the folks behind the multimedia franchise, launched a campaign to crowd fund an English dubbed Blu-ray of the game spin-off, and with minutes to go, it has gone far beyond its $80,000 goal and raised $478,000 CAD ($438,000 US). 



This means that it has reach stretch goals to offer English subtitles on the original French audio (in addition to the original goal of an English dub), of note to anime fans, the project will localize the special Japanese animated specials, featuring the work of Eunyoung Choi, Michio Mihara and Masaaki Yuasa (seen in thumbnail)


A not-yet updated stretch goal chart







Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

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