Monday, February 3, 2014

KILL LA KILL #16 Needs to Decide if it's a Farce

We’re more than halfway through this series and I can’t think of any
explanation for the title other than “it sounds cool.” And hey - - that’s
really what’s more important, ain’t it?

Y’know, this episode was actually delayed half a day and - - if you
can take a step or two back away from any frustration about the wait
- - it’s
amusing to think that the show’s being produced by skin-of-the-teeth that’s that
thin. I feel like there’s got to be another in-joke or two woven into the faux
recap episode that baits us at the beginning of this episode. Trigger had to
be totally aware of what kind of reaction that would provoke, and that’s the
kind of programming agility that’s afforded only when you’re producing episodes as
quickly as SOUTH PARK does.

Of course, we all know the animation being offered
is vastly more sophisticated, so I can’t help but picture a runaway train with
a caboose full of dynamite.

== TEASER ==

Again, the show’s greatest strength and weakness lies in its evident
lack of structure/planning. I was thinking about this while the School
Council finally manifested as a “chaotic neutral” super team that Ryuko’s essentially
aligned with. It’s an awesome chance to get to root for the bad guys, but the
show should've settled on that dynamic sooner. I’ve talked about the lack of
lasting ramifications, and ZombiePie made good points about how things just
keep coming too easily to Ryuko… and I’m starting to see what the real issue
with the show is.

KILL LA KILL can’t decide if it wants to be a serious adventure or
bawdy farce.

Now, before you shriek at me for being narrow-minded, I’ll stress
that I’ve seen shows successfully strike the right balance between the two.
This show, however, has started to smell like an animation studio steam
blow-off (ala FLCL and DEAD LEAVES) that’s gone on longer than it should.
All of these furious battles and breathless rattling off of philosophy on
clothing are not meant to be taken seriously, so the show needs to be as brief as it is anarchic.

However, the show keeps going like all the stuff is meant to be taken seriously, so now we have to look at how we have a protag who no longer has any
compelling reason left to keep fighting. Ryuko's not avenging anybody any more,
she’s not trying to save anybody… she’s just ambling forward. And that amble is rather aimless.

.Watch, “the Girl Can’t Help It” and
decide for yourself, then read my comments on the previous episode.

About the Author

Tom Pinchuk’s a writer and personality with a large number of comics, videos and features like this to his credit. Visit his website - - - - and follow his Twitter: @tompinchuk

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