Saturday, August 16, 2014

TOKYO ESP #1 -- Special Review

We’re sampling the summer season’s selection! Check out our other pilot write-up’s –

Here’s another textbook demonstration of the dangers of

I might initially be excited about a pilot that promises a
hostage situation on a floating capital building, and whole range of mutant
powers derived by ESP (which is
more-or-less what HARBINGER is, come to think of it
). However, none of that
matters unless there’s a clear, strong through-line guiding the action.

== TEASER ==

At first, I was digging on the creative implementations of
psychic powers in the assorted action scenes. The part where the one good guy (or bad guy?) clouds the minds of his
enemies and makes them think they’re dealing with their allies was quite well
done. It’d be an awesome way to introduce a character - - but the ball’s
fumbled rather quickly after that.

Introductions. That’s really what it comes down to. We’re
thrown into various break-neck action set-pieces, and given no primer on who’s
who. Maybe they would’ve done better to just focus on one of these intertwining
plot threads, and given it the space to work properly. As is, I didn’t have any
frame of reference to keep up with these ESPers - - just a lot of mumbo jumbo - - and never found any reason to care. I’m actually having a hard time even
recounting the plot of what I watched, and I literally just watched it.

"White Girl" and decide for yourself.

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