Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Infinity Runner (PC) – Review

Infinity Runner (PC) – Review

Made by a small studio in Wales, UK, Infinity Runner is Wales Interactive’s latest entry into the world of video games. The premise is simple: you’re a man running through a huge ship called The Infinity, and need to escape from those that have imprisoned you. Sounds easy enough, but add in some werewolves and an endless runner game mechanic and you have a weird mix of concepts on your hands.

You start off breaking out of an enclosure and being talked to remotely, in a similar vein to the way you’re spoken to in Borderlands whenever Angel communicates with your character. You’re told you need to get a move on before the guards get to you, and so begins your running, which won’t stop for a while. The first room you happen upon has guards in it. At this point the game takes over your controls and kills them for you. Once they’re taken care of, you’re running again down never-ending corridors, ready to encounter the next gameplay mechanic that you need to master: turning at intersections. Infinity Runner doesn’t automatically turn corners for you, and in a mechanic similar to Temple Run on smartphones, you need to manually move the character left or right at every junction. This is done through moving the mouse right or left to look around the corner; failure to do so will result in death, which can be irritating at times, but you’ll get used to it.

Infinity Runner is made up endless corridors. The primary goal is to collect as many “notes” as you can find whilst traversing these corridors, avoiding any obstacles that are thrown your way (this is done by pressing A or D to strafe left or right). The obstacles are strange and unique in most cases, meaning you’re going to die quite often as you don’t know what to expect or how to deal with some of them. This isn’t a bad thing per se, as you get 3 lives on each level, so you can start again at a checkpoint, but it does mean you’re constantly thrown in at the deep end and have to learn the game and how to handle its various obstacles through a process of trial and error.

This is an excerpt from the full story which was originally featured on gamrReview, read the full version here – Infinity Runner (PC) – Review

Read more here: gamrReview

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