Wednesday, September 17, 2014


This episode was delayed for half of Friday. As I’d say
whenever KILL LA KILL was late, in America it’s pretty much unfathomable for a
show to be delayed a few hours after its
scheduled airdate
. Usually, the production company already delivered the
tape/file well ahead of time. There’s no turning in a paper at midnight and it
still counting for the grade here. If you miss the deadline, you don’t air that

I could imagine KLK’s delays toward the end were due to Trigger over-extending itself -- frantically trying to cram in as much cool shit
as they could before they handed the episode over. Here, it frankly seems like
Studio David forgot they were going to take a hiatus, so they hastily tried to
re-work this installment to make it seem
like it’d been planned as a teaser for next season. == TEASER ==

And that’s exactly what it feels like. A 20-minute teaser. I’ve
just watched the anime equivalent of a promotional ashcan at a comic convention.
We got barely enough new story, and then a bunch of red-cheeked fillibustering for what’s coming, so none of it feels that
substantial or filling. It’s just minutes of screen time being... filled up. So, gee, if something deserved the label ‘filler’…

Seriously, by the time Season 3 runs its courses, and this
show’s fanbase develops more in-jokes, this is going to be looked back on as embarrassing
footnote on the order of the guest-directed GURREN LAGANN episode and the last
EVA episode where Gainax literally ran out of money. The conclusion of the
titular battle with Bette and the High Priestess feels so rushed and arbitrary -
- like they were rushing to punch the clock. I’d be surprised if they didn’t
re-do this for the home video released.

Anyway, I suppose it’s fitting that the praise train would finally
derail when JOJO’s is literally taking such an abrupt stop. See
you next season then?

Watch "the High Priestess, Part 2" and decide for yourself, then read my comments on the previous episode.

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