Tuesday, September 9, 2014

SAILOR MOON CRYSTAL Needs to Modernize


After three episodes straight of recruitment, the Sailor
Guardians finally get a lead on that mysterious crystal that the show seems to
be named after. It’s a good change of pace since we haven’t yet seen much
interaction between Usagi, Ami, and Rei. Sure they’ve fought evildoers
together, but in each of their episodes one of them was in the spotlight. After
all, only through the power of teamwork are they going to be able to stop the
forces of darkness!

And yet, teamwork has nothing to do with episode 4 of the
show, entitled “Masquerade Dance Party”. Usagi simply abuses her powers and serendipitously
unearths the plot despite her total lack of interest in it. Her entire
motivation for going to the masquerade was to dress up like a princess. But
that’s Usagi’s style; she’s a girly-girl and a bit of a ditz.

But then Tuxedo Mask kisses Sailor Moon. Not after they
rescue each other from a fall, not after they dance in the ballroom, but on a
bench while she’s asleep. And not on
the hand or even the forehead, but full on the lips. That’s not romantic;
that’s creepy as hell. This from the show with a “girl power” opening theme
that has the Spice Girls Seal of Approval.

Yes, Luna comes in and shoos him away for being a total
creep, but she sounds like an overbearing mother who ruined the fun while doing
so. The whole thing just feels old fashioned to me, and not in the charming,
fairytale way I think they mean for it to.

It extends beyond just what is thought to be acceptable on a
date. In the age of smartphones, the magical watches the girls use to
communicate are downright anachronistic. When was the last time you saw teenage
girl without a cell phone? And then there’s Ami’s premiere episode, where she’s
brainwashed by what looks like a copy of the American Online Free Trial Disc.

There’s really no need for an adaptation this slavish. It’s
getting to the point where it’s actually distracting from the story – though perhaps
that’s a good thing.


About the Author

Matt Murphy is a freelance nerd who has contributed to many nerd websites. You can reach him by going to where the light meets the shadow, by sending out zeta-brainwaves or by following him on Twitter @Murphix.

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